The latest West of Scotland League Update
Following the statement issued on 7 February 2020, numerous informal contacts have been made by Clubs interested in the formation of a new West of Scotland League [WoSFL] at Tier 6 in the Pyramid. This shows clearly that there is an appetite for such an expansion of the Pyramid. The Scottish Lowland Football League [SLFL], in conjunction with the East of Scotland Football League [EoSFL] can now lay out the high level plan to introduce the WoSFL by the start of season 2020/2021.
The next step will be to invite Clubs to register an Expression of Interest to George Fraser, Chairperson of the SLFL by Sunday 1 March, to Any expressions of interest must include the contact details of at least one club official. These will be treated in the strictest confidence. Clubs should not contact the newly formed email address relating to WoSFL, this Is not run by either the SLFL or EoSFL. At the same time the Clubs are welcome to ask any questions on how the Pyramid works currently as the informal contacts suggested this would be useful. The sending of the Expression of Interest does not of course commit any Club to any particular course of action, but it would be very helpful if we could gauge as closely as possible the actual level of interest in the WoSFL.
The next again step will be to invite Clubs to complete by Tuesday 31 March 2020 an Application to Join the WoSFL. Once again these will be treated in the strictest confidence. The process surrounding these applications will be announced by Friday 6 March 2020.
This plan is to allow every Club at all grades in the SLFL area the opportunity to progress through the Pyramid. There will of course be issues such as geographical integrity to be considered with the introduction of a third Tier 6 League alongside the EoSFL and SoSFL. This and any other consequences will be addressed in a respectful, constructive and orderly way.
Issued by –
George Fraser [Chairperson SLFL] and John Greenhorn [Chairperson EoSFL]